Primary Weekly Activities — Waterfront Montessori — Jersey City, NJ

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 Primary Activities Weekly Menu

Download the printer friendly version to print and hang on the fridge!

Write a thank you note to your teachers.

Practical Life
Practice buttoning and unbuttoning a shirt.

Practical Life
Wipe the table before and after meals.

Draw your favorite things. Share with your teachers!

Physical Activity
Sit and then stand up ten times.

Language & Art
Choose a favorite book and create a book cover for it. Make it different than the cover that the book already has.

Search your home for objects that are the shape of a rectangle. Make a list of five items you find.

Physical Activity
Drop a small scrap of paper. Try to catch it with two fingers before it hits the ground.

Build a story with someone. Start with a single sentence. Building upon that sentence your friend continues the story with their own sentence. Continue building the story until “The End”.

Make some sort of sculpture or structure with playdoh, cotton balls, toothpicks etc. and take a picture of it.

Have an adult draw around your body on a big piece of paper. Can you label your body parts?

Do you like M&Ms?
Watch the video of how they are made!

Try a new dessert this week.

Practical Life
Learn your home address and your mom or dad’s phone number.

Listen to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons concerti.

Draw a map of your neighborhood. Label the places you know.

Practical Life 
Learn how to sew a button. Ask an adult to teach you.

Physical Activity
Skip forward ten times!

Pick a food available at home. Do you know the food name in Spanish? How many foods can you name in Spanish?

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